Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Pearl Music Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Kino

The Pearl: Music Music is known to be a quality in which one possesses toproduce harmony, or to make others pleasant through messages.Authors use descriptive writing to set the atmosphere in manystories. In the short story, "The Pearl", John Steinbeck usesdifferent types of music to introduce, and set the atmosphere ofthe story. In this, music is used to introduce evil, to showfamily lifestyle, and to show significance of the pearl. John Steinbeck shows evil's intrusion into Kino's family bymeans of music. Evil is introduced into many scenes, by itsshadows and music. Kino, being the main character, is usuallyfirst to hear it. "Kino stepped to the doorway and looked out...The thin dog cameto him, and threshed itself in greeting like a wind?blown flag,and Kino looked down at it and didn't see it. He had brokenthrough the horizons into a cold and lonely outside. He feltalone and unprotected, and scraping crickets and shrilling treefrogs and croaking toads seemed to be carrying the melody ofevil." Here Kino, hears the evil music carried out through the eyesof nature. The baby, Coyotito, is still, and quiet, and does notknow of the evil that is approaching. As for his illness, it hasbeen cured when Kino first found the pearl. In time, a little after Kino hears this evil music, the doctorarrives having already heard about the baby's miraculousrecovery. The doctor informs Kino of Coyotito's situation, andhow the illness will return. He then treats it with a smallremedy. Kino knows Coyotito is not sick, but accepts the doctorshelp to ensure his sons health. Already knowing the doctor'sexpectations in payment, Kino refuses to give up his pearl. Once the doctor leaves the house, Kino no longer hears theevil music that once played with his ears. Following thesymptoms that the doctor assumed, Coyotito becomes ill and lateron returns to his original state. From this scene, one can deduce that Kino's sense of evilcomes from music, and also that this is the form of writing thatJohn Steinbeck uses to introduce an evil pretense. In this scene,evil music is used as a form of descriptive writing, as it setsthe atmosphere for the event about to take place. It also addssuspense, as one may not know where and when the evil shallstrike. Steinbeck tries to emphasize the fact that thisphenomenon that Kino hears is similar to what one may consider asixth sense in modern times. Kino thus has the ability toanticipate evil before it actually appears in the plot. Music within the family is portrayed by a family prayer orsong. This is sung by most of the poor families of the village,as it has an emotional effect on family lifestyles. "Juana sang softly an ancient song that had only three notes andyet endless variety of interval. And this was part of the familysong too. It was all part. Sometimes it rose to an aching chordthat caught the throat saying this is safety, this is warmth,this is the Whole." At this point, Kino awakes as usual to hear sounds of thefamily song. Here, John Steinbeck brings across the point thatKino's family does this on a regular basis and that they considerit similar to a ritual. Steinbeck also stresses that the familymusic is what separates Kino's family from the other villagers. In this scene Kino also hears the sound of breakfast, pigs,and wives. These are all parts of music, but all belonging toother families in the village. The song clearly demonstrates thebond between Kino and his family's lives John Steinbeck uses music of the family as a belief, similarto how we believe in God, and pray to Him. Kino's family singsand believes in their unity, and that if their family was to fallapart, they would lose their point in life. The family uses theirsong as a form of motivation, something to strive for. Kinos mainpoint in life is to ensure a strong future for the family. The song coming from the pearl is similar to that of evil. Theonly difference is that it gives an illusion of good, rather thanthat of evil. "All of these things Kino saw in the lucent pearl and he said,`We will have new clothes'. And the music of the pearl rose likea chorus of trumpets in his ears. Then to the lovely gray surfaceof the pearl came the little things Kino wanted... His lips themmoved hesitantly over this?`A rifle', he said.`Perhaps a rifle'." From this quote, one can notice that as the song of the pearlcontinues, it grows stronger in Kino's head, slowly separatinghim from his family. John Steinbeck brings the song of the pearlto use by changing the needs

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Wendt Corporation Essay Example

The Wendt Corporation Essay Example The Wendt Corporation Essay The Wendt Corporation Essay Chapter 2 problem 2-8, p. 79 The Wendt Corporation had $10. 5 million of taxable income. a. What is the company’s federal income tax bill for the year? Answer: $10. 5 x 0. 35 = $525, 000. 00 b. Assume the firm receives an additional $1 million of interest from some bonds it owns. What is the tax on this interest income? Answer: $1,000,000. 00 x 0. 35 = $350,000. 00 c. Now assume that Wendt does not receive the interest income but does receive an additional $1 million as dividends on some stock it owns. What is the tax on this dividend income? Answer: $1. 000,000. 00 x 0. 105 = $105, 000. 00 Chapter 3 problem, 3-6 p. 112 (Du Pont Analysis) Donaldson Sons has a ROA of 10%, a 2% profit margin, and a return on equity equal to 15%. What is the company’s total assets turnover? Answer: ROA = 10%; PM = 2%; ROE = 15% PM = NI/Sales = ROA = NI/TA = NI/Sales x Sales/TA NI/TA = PM x TATO 10% = 2% x TATO = TATO = 5 What is the firm’s equity multiplier? Answer: ROE = PM x TATO x TA/E [Equity Multiplier] DU Pont= 15% = 2% x 5 x EM 15%/10% = EM = 1. 5 Complete the balance sheet and sales information in the table that follows for Hoffmeister Industries using the following financial datat. Debt Ratio: 50% Quick Ratio: 0. 80 Total Assets Turnover: 1. 5 Days Sales Outstanding: 36. 5 days (based upon 365 day year) Gross Profit margin on sales: (Sales – Cost of goods sold)/Sales = 25% Inventory turnover ratio: 5. 0 Balance Sheet Cash$27,000Accounts Payable$90,000 AR$45,000Long-term debt$60,000 Inventories$67,500Common Stock$52,500 Fixed assets$169,500Retained Earnings$97,500 Total assets$300,000Total liabilities $300,000 Equity Sales$450,000Cost of goods sold $337,500 Answer: Asset turnover = Revenue / Total Assets Total Assets = ($300,000 x 1. 5) (revenue) = $40,000 Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets Total Assets = ($300,000 x 0. 20) (debt ratio) = $150,000 Total Liabilities = $150. 000. 00 (accts payable unknown) Long Term debt = $60,000 Accounts Payable = ($150,000 $60,000) = $90,000 Days Sales outstanding = 36. 5 days = AR Balance/ Sales x 365 DSO = 36. 5 AR = 10% of $450,000 = $45,000 GPM = 25%; Cost of Goods Sold = (. 75 x $450,000) $337,500 QR = (Cash + AR)/CL. = $90,000 x . 80) $72,000 Cash = ($72,000 $45,000) $27,000 Debt Ratio = 5. 0, inventory balance = (337,500/5) $67,500 Fixed Assets = ($300,000 $27,000, $45,000, $67,500) $169,500 Balance of Common Stock = $300,000 $150,000 $97,500) $52,500

Friday, November 22, 2019

Actief Leren, een definitie

Actief Leren, een definitie Inleiding? In dit document staat het actief leren in het reguliere onderwijs centraal. In hoofdstuk 1 wordt het begrip actief leren van Silberman (1996) gedefinieerd. In hoofdstuk 2 worden drie verschillende vormen en benaderingen van actief leren beschreven; het studiehuis, het nieuwe leren en ontwikkelingsgericht onderwijs. Daarnaast wordt de uitvoering in de praktijk kort geschets. In hoofdstuk 3 worden deze drie benaderingen met elkaar vergeleken, getoetst aan de definitie van actief leren van Sibberman (1996) en wordt een beeld geschetst hoe deze drie vormen worden toegepast in de praktijk. In hoofdstuk 4 vind u de conclusie. Wat is actief leren Silberman (1996) geeft een definitie van † actief leren†. Hij omschrijft dit begrip als volgt: Als er actief wordt geleerd doen leerlingen het werk, gebruiken ze hun hersens, lossen ze problemen op en passen ze toe wat ze leren. Daarnaast is actief leren ‘leuk’, ‘stimulerend’ en is de actieve leerli ng persoonlijk betrokken. Silberman hecht veel waarde aan ‘leren door doen’; studenten moeten zelf dingen ontdekken, voorbeelden bedenken, vragen stellen, discussià «ren, dingen proberen en hun leerresultaten in de gaten houden. Hoofdstuk 2. Drie vormen en benaderingen van actief leren Het studiehuis In het studiehuis gaat het om een nieuwe pedagogisch-didactische aanpak en een andere organisatie van het leerproces. Het gaat dan volgens het ministerie van Onderwijs om de volgende didactische kenmerken en kenmerken van het leerproces (Stuurgroep profiel tweede fase, 1994): De leerling in het studiehuis is een zelfstandige leerling. Zo’n leerling kan zelfstandig zijn leeractiviteiten uitvoeren, nieuwe informatie verbinden met bestaande kennis, zichzelf motiveren, kijken naar het leerresultaat en zijn eigen kennis evalueren. Het ‘leren door doen’ krijgt een centrale plaats in het studiehuis. Ook dat vraagt om een actieve leerling. Verder wordt ver wacht dat de leerling zijn leerproces in eigen hand neemt. De docent wordt meer een begeleider en regisseur van het leerproces en minder kennisoverbrenger. Belangrijk is dat hij bij de leerlingen zelfstandigheid stimuleert en hen motiveert. Ook moet de docent ervoor zorgen dat leerlingen vaardigheden aanleren. Daarnaast moet hij maatwerk leveren, door te varià «ren in werkvormen en opdrachten. Er wordt recht gedaan aan verschillen tussen leerlingen. Onder andere komt dat tot uiting in het beperken van het aantal klassieke lessen. Er zal minder sprake zijn van een groep leerlingen die op hetzelfde moment, op dezelfde manier, met dezelfde leerstof bezig is. Verder mag de leerling zijn eigen tempo bepalen en zelf zijn weg naar het eindtraject uitzetten. Het contact tussen docent en leerling wordt intensiever, zal zich meer op ‘ooghoogte’ afspelen en ook plezierig worden. Het klassieke onderwijssysteem wordt losgelaten. Er wordt nog wel kennis overgedragen, maar a ndere vaardigheden krijgen een belangrijke plaats. Het gaat dan om zaken als leren leren, leren communiceren en leren reflecteren. Variatie speelt een belangrijke rol in het studiehuis. Minder frontale lessen en meer werkvormen als samenwerkend leren, discussie, onderzoeken en zelfstudie. Ook kan er gevarieerd worden in groepsgrootte. Toetsing is onderdeel van het leerproces. Een toets dient niet alleen om een cijfer te bepalen, maar ook om vast te stellen waar de leerling in het leerproces zit, wat hij moet doen om het eindtraject te halen en welke begeleiding daarbij moet worden geboden. Nieuwe vormen van toetsen als praktische opdrachten, handelingsdelen en het profielwerkstuk worden ingevoerd. Deze toetsen zijn vooral bedoeld om vaardigheden te testen. Kennis- en inzichttoetsen blijven ook bestaan. In de praktijk

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Messaging to Prepare for future challenges Essay

Messaging to Prepare for future challenges - Essay Example †¢Comparison and contrast the ways that the leader used messaging (communication) to institute MyBlueprint and prepare HCL Technologies and Axon for the acquisition Although such an approach was deemed as somewhat radical, the fact of the matter is that it allowed for the end reviews, high end management, to gain a more informed and realistic model of action with regards to what changes and development was necessary in helping to firm to engage in a further level of profitability for each component part and individual sector. This was useful due to the fact that it allowed the middle management to derive and achieve a level of accountability and honesty with regards to the processes and goals that they were ultimately responsible for; rather than merely putting forward talking points that would likely deviate from the root goals and endeavors that the firm sought to effect. What was noticed was that although such a process was radical and engendered a degree of risk, it nonethel ess was highly useful in providing a degree of oversight that was instrumental in detailing and establishing a baseline of performance with regards to any and all upcoming changes that could seek to promote further responsibility and profitability within the firm. With regards to Axon and the strategy that was employed as a result of the merger, this too differentiated itself from the approach that so many firms mistakenly make with respect to the way in which such a business marriage takes place. As such, rather than seeking to bring Axon directly in line with the directives that HCL Technologies had previously been operating under, they CEO determined that the best way in which to maximize the potential that could exist between the two was to seek to leverage an understanding of the fact that Axon was acquired due to the fact that it had the potential to maximize the relationship that the two firms could sustain working in a symbiotic relationship. What is meant by this is that Ax on was not acquired so that the two could behave in an identical manner; rather, the CEO came to the understanding that the firms, although now part of a singular entity, must continue to exhibit the key strengths that they had prior to being organized under one banner. Moreover, the weaknesses that the two firms exhibited must be approached from the baseline of understanding that these should be worked to be minimized without reducing the effectiveness that had formerly been exhibited by either entity. In such a manner, a differentiated and unique plan of management and standardization, as well as oversight, was required to be initiated to ensure that the synergy could be maximized without diminishing the overall competence that they formerly brought to bear. †¢Analyze the effectiveness of the internal and external messaging (communication) With regards to the effectiveness of the internal and external messaging (communication) that was utilized as a function of making the afo rementioned goals a reality, the CEO opted first and foremost to review the process in its entirety among fellow stakeholders (upper and middle management) as a means of targeting any weaknesses within the model that had formerly

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Neopteran Questions for an Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Neopteran Questions for an Exam - Essay Example For instance, the naiad mayflies may live up to one or two years in freshwater aquifers, but adults stages last for a few days at most. Though juvenile mayflies feed on algae and smaller insects, the adults cannot eat due to reduced, non-functional mouthparts. Male fore legs are modified for grasping the female during mating. Near adulthood, naiads rise to the surface of water and molt to develop external wings so that they can move to shore. Mayflies are the only insects which molt after developing functional wings during the pre-adult stage called sub-imago. Adult mayflies rise on same days forming large flying swarms so that females can lay eggs on water surface before dying. Within the mayflies, different species occupy very different niches. The naiads of Blue Quill mayflies possess large mandibles for grazing detritus and periphyton. Like ephemeroptera, the Odonates also have aquatic naiads but possess a highly modified labium for catching prey. They adults too have chewing mou th parts and hinged jaws are used as tools to capture and bring prey to mouth. They also have very specialized copulatory behavior in which male grabs female from behind her head with claspers at tip of abdomen, the female receives sperm from his second abdominal segment, and releases fertilized eggs into the water. Males defending the best grazing area have a better chance to attract more females and thus produce more offspring. The neopteran (new wings) insects have the ability to fold their wings back against their abdomen at rest. Neoptera are subdivided into exopterygota and endoterygota depending on the development of wings through the juvenile stages, and into further groups depending on the modification of their mouthparts. In exopterygota, the metamorphosis is simple or incomplete, and wings gradually develop externally without going through a true pupal stage via molting. The juveniles also usually have similar feeding habits as the adults. The endopterygota undergo comple te metamorphosis and development of major structural differences between immature and adult stages occurs. The developing wings are not visible in the initial stages (larvae). An inactive stage called pupa is formed after several molts which does not feed and move. During this pupal stage big changes take place internally. After the pupal stage, a highly active winged adult appears. The larvae and the adults often adapt to different habitat and use different types of food resources. The evolutionary stages of endopterygota allow the juvenile and adult stages of insects to specialize in different resources, contributing to the extensive and successful radiation of the group. For instance, a bark beetle undergoes egg, the three larval instars, and the pupal stages before rising as an adult beetle. Question Two The sea otter is the smallest marine mammal having no insulating layer of blubber. The warm skin of sea otter is protected against the cold water by a thick layer of air trapped within very dense and longer fur hairs. The hairs are even denser at back of the body which is mostly in contact with the water. Though air provides far better insulation than blubber, sea otters cannot dive deeper and thus are restricted to shallower, coastal habitats. As Allen rule suggests, the legs, ears, and snout of sea otter are shorter for conserving heat in the colder climate. They form a streamlined

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Landslide Limo Service Essay Example for Free

Landslide Limo Service Essay In regards to you request I have created a current employment compliance plan for Bradley Stonefield to ensure the process of starting a new business will be successful. Bradley Stonefield has explained his desire to start a Limousine company within the Austin TX area. Bradley Stonfield has indicated that his goal is to have25 employees within the first year of operation. The memo is to discuss and provide current employment laws and the consequences for non-compliance with said laws. Employment laws are created to protect the employer as well as the employee, failure to comply with any state or federal employee law could have an end result of complete failure, especially for smaller or new organizations. Non-compliance with employment laws can result in large or unaffordable penalties or severe actions. The memo will address 4 employment laws some are specific to Texas and the repercussion for non-compliance with said laws. The motor carrier safety improvement act of 1999, the equal employment act EEOC of 1972, employment at will for Texas, and Texas workers compensation act. The motor carrier safety improvement act of 1999: The Department of Transportation (DOT) established a separate administration with the Federal Motor Safety Administration on January 1 1999. (FMCSA, 2014) A limousine service has a standard set of regulations for smaller vehicles and larger capacity vehicles; the company must register with the FMCSA and have a current motor carrier identification report with the USDOT, must be current every two years. Each service vehicle must be insured with a minimum of the federal regulated minimum coverage in the event of a motor vehicle accident. The service driver must have and keep a current â€Å"C† class state driver’s license that includes a passenger endorsement. All drivers pre-employment must submit to a drug/alcohol test and must be willing to submit to random testing. Any service vehicle with the capacity to carry more than 9 persons and no more than 15 persons, the driver may not exceed a driving time of 10 hours. The driver/s must complete a safety inspection and maintain a vehicle safety and maintenance log before each trip prior to leaving the designated parking areas. All drivers must have a current driver’s license for the state and valid, and must either provide consent to have employer request driving records or provide current copies. Every vehicle that is used for service must be marked with a USDOT registration number and kept current. The company must keep and maintain all driving records/accident reports for drivers and vehicles for the past three years to current. (Federal limousine service and regulations, 2014) Failure to comply with federal regulations could result in a number of fees and penalties; Failure to maintain current DOT and license records can be up to or exceed $100.00 per violation, failure to maintain drug and alcohol records can be a fine up t0 $1000.00 per violation, failure to maintain current driving records can be a fine up to $2500.00 per employee, and any employee that is cited for using a vehicle during work hours for anything other than to transport a paying customer can result in up to a $10,000.00 fine. The equal employment act EEOC of 1972: The EEOC protect any persons from employment discrimination due to sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disabilities, political views, marital or family status, or sexual orientation. Failure to comply with EEOC laws can result in several lawsuits for discrimination, TSU woman’s basketball coach won a lawsuit in the sums of $730,000.00 for sexual  discrimination in 2011. She was originally hired in 2008 and then terminated shortly after, she had been threatened with a demotion and compared to a men’s coach Tony Harvey and this was terms for a lawsuit. Failure to comply with the current EEOC laws can result in a lawsuit as such and when an employee is terminated this example shows that no employee regardless of who they are should not be discriminated against due to personal feelings. Texas at-will employment â€Å"The general rule in Texas, and in most states, is that absent a specific agreement to the contrary, employment may be terminated by the employer or the employee at will, for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all.† (Employment at will Doctrine in Texas – Appellate case law 2010) Even though is a â€Å"at-will or right to work† state federal laws still apply, if an employee is on a contracted time they are exempt from the at will law. In an organization that embraces the â€Å"at will† employer law, the employer must also agree to that an employee will not be terminated unless it is for â€Å"good reason†, if an employee is performing satisfactory work of higher they are not exempt but they are also not at risk. Again failure to comply can result in a large and/or detrimental lawsuit to the company. â€Å"The supreme court recognized in Montgomery County that the courts must carefully distinguish between carefully developed employer representation upon which an employee may justifiably rely, and general platitudes, vague assurances, praise, and indefinite promises of permanent continued employment† (Employment at will Doctrine in Texas – Appellate case law 2010) Texas workers’ compensation act: The workers compensation act is designed to tentatively and temporarily replace the wages for a worker when employment hours are missed due to an on the job injury/injuries. The law only applies when an employee is able to prove that they were injured on the job/on the clock, they are entitled to a percentage of there regular earnings and medical care for said injuries. Texas is the only state that is able to choose not to offer workers compensation in Texas less than 40% will opt out of the workers compensation coverage. An employer that has chosen to enroll with the workers compensation, the threat of a law suit for not paying medical bills, or  paying a portion of wages is not a possibility, for the remaining 40% of employers who do not use workers’ compensation are suspect to possible lawsuits that could include coverage up to full wages for time missed. Texas employees are also able to decline to pay into workers compensation, and there are limitations to collecting of filing for workers compensation: If the employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, if the employee suffered from a self-induced injury, the injury was caused by a non-employee or was for personal reasons, or the injury was obtained while off duty. References: FMCSA. (January 1, 2014) retrieved from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: Federal limousine service and regulations. (2014) Retrieved from Limo service limousine service regulations: Employment at will Doctrine in Texas – Appellate case law (2010) retrieved from Texas opinions:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How Video Games Help Society Essay -- Technology, Video games

â€Å"Lets play a money making game!† -The Legend of Zelda. Video Games are revolutionizing society. They have changed for the better, transitioning from mindless wastes of time, to useful tools of learning, video games are revolutionizing, and are becoming smarter, more complex, and healthier. Video games are not just simple, mindless forms of entertainment anymore; they can now teach, inspire, and provide the player with life skills, or the knowledge needed to start a successful career. Many games companies like Electronic Arts (EA) are changing the content of their games. The successful game franchise by EA, â€Å"The Sims† has developed games like â€Å"The Sims 2: Open for Business.† The focus of this game is to start a small business in a virtual world, and virtually run it. Video games have now even become a course in college. "Now games are a legitimate academic subject, with many university courses around the world offering degrees in video game design and development. And many game designers and researchers are seeing how games influence cognitive and other skills (par 2)." Students now have the option of exploring a career in gaming, which is very profitable in todays market. James Paul Gee, a video game programmer for Nintendo, explains what goes t hrough the mind of someone playing "Pikmin." " As Gee writes, the game requires a great deal of focus, critical thinking, multitasking, and problem solving to succeed. Players must manage teams of characters, assign them tasks appropriate to their behavior patterns, guide them to work together smoothly, and strategist how to optimize resources such as virtual food. Yet, even a 6-year-old can play it. Imagine, teaching a first-grader pretty complex, real-time, problem-laden resource manage... "IEWTPT Tactical Questioning." (par. 6)"These repurposed video games can potentially save lives. The air force has been using video games to train pilots for a few years now. "A military or commercial flight simulator need not have perfect visual detail, but it had better mimic the behavior of the real vehicle, Haseltine says, "because lives are at stake." (par. 13)" Instead of letting a beginning pilot get in a $13,000,000 plane and waching him crash it, they can now get in a fake one and safely cruse around in a virtual world. The Military is using video games to save lives and train their recruits. Although parents may not view games as a tool like a book, they are slowly Changing and will soon be reputable sources of knowledge, and will most defiantly benefit society. So †Pick A Box, its contents will help you on your way.†-Toad, Super Mario Bros. 3.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Impact of E Government on Public Admin

The Introduction of the IRIS payroll system at the Ministry of Works and Transport was seed as the Case Study for this project; with the mall objective being to highlight the changes being experienced by public administration as a result of the revolution In communication technology. Introduction The revolution of Information Technology and Communication during the 21st Century has impacted on individuals, groups as well as organizations and businesses.While this has caused changes in people's lifestyles, it has also effected phenomenal changes in government processes and interactions with citizens, businesses, other government agencies and employees. Within the sphere of governance, Information Communication Technology applications have infiltrated into government's policies, procedures, infrastructure and its frameworks in order to enhance the delivery of goods and services to the public.Society has become more aware of obtaining effective and efficient electronic or e-government s ervices mainly because of the advent of the Internet in the sass's. Globalization and greater customer expectations have created a shift form agency- based to fulfilling the needs of the public. The successful implementation of e-government projects requires a lot of administration restructuring processes, redefining of administrative procedures and formats, which find resistance in almost all departments at all levels. † 1. Ultimately, In the long -term, e-government alms to reinforce government's Initiatives towards effective governance and Increased transparency In order to better manage the country social and economic resources for growth and development. 1 . Kananga 2004 An Overview of E-Government The e;government agenda has been widely adopted by governments of many neutrons Walt n ten expectation AT inclemency, effectiveness, accountability, transparency and convenience in the functioning of government agencies. E- Government has become both a vision and the world we l ive in. Citizen-eccentricity is about turning the focus of government around; looking at the world through the other end of the telescope so that the needs of citizens and business come first. † 2. The term e-government, short for electronic government is synonymous with digital government or connected government. It can be defined as â€Å"the migration of overspent information and services to an online delivery mode. â€Å"3. It dates back to the sass's with the introduction of information technology in the Public Sector.However it was not until the year 2000 that the conversion of the provision of information and services to electronic means took place. Three components comprise the e-government system, they are: 1 . The provision of services from Government to government (Internal) 2. From government to business (External) 3. From government to citizens (External) Some examples of e-government in action include disbursement of social security- Identification cards driver 's permits, passports; handling of government works projects as well as providing information of representatives online. . Intel , 2006 3. Oliver & sanders, 2004 Definition of E-Government There is no one definition for E-government but it ranges from â€Å"the government task of setting a valid legal framework for the effective use of the electronic media in society as well as the application of these media for public procurement, services to companies and the management of the internal organization. â€Å"l .To â€Å"the ramification process of the Public administration as a whole and of its interaction with people; this process, through Information and Communication Technologies (Sits), aims at optimizing the provision of services, at increasing participation by citizens and enterprises and at enhancing the governing ability of Public Administration itself in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. † 2. Public Administration is the executive or operative arm of the govern ment with the responsibility of carrying out their policies and directives.Therefore within the intent of e-government, Public Administration is now faced with both organizational and institutional transformations as governments move towards the creation of an International Ana Knowledge Dates collect. The use of Information Communication Technology in government, according to the European Union, aims to achieve three goals. They are as follows: to improve public services, to facilitate the democratic process by allowing greater citizen participation and to strengthen support for public policies. The change to e-government requires major organizational and structural hangs.Within the Public administration framework, numerous reforms have to be undertaken such as redefining of roles and responsibilities, rethinking services and access to them, eliminating redundant functions, developing skills and competencies in staff as well as working hand in hand with other stakeholders to delive r services that go beyond the organization . For e-government to be successful reforms and reinventions in the Public Service are imperative. However, while the technology part may be relatively easy to implement, the difficult part is the human aspect.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Curriculum Landscape In Singapore Education Essay

The course of study landscape in Singapore has been undergoing important alterations late. It has witnessed about 15 old ages of course of study reform, both structural and curricular. Recently, there is a motion toward school based course of study development that can be seen as a effect of the execution of assorted enterprises on instruction launched increasingly since the mid-1990. The first article negotiations about furthering school based course of study development in the context of new educational enterprises in Singapore. The alterations in course of study besides attributed to Singapore ‘s historical context and colonial intercessions. Further enterprises have besides followed by the opportunity to develop and offer new topics in the normal faculty members and normal proficient watercourse. In the context of Singapore, School-Based Curriculum Development ( SBCD ) scope from single instructors accommodating and construing bing course of study, to whole staff working to gether in create course of study with inputs coming from pupils the school direction ( Singapore Ministry of Education, 2000 ) . School-Based Curriculum Development ( SBCD ) viewed course of study development as built-in portion of professional individualities of instructors enables educational establishments to be more antiphonal to the educational demands and involvements of their pupils every bit good as their community. It can besides be disputing for every instructors because the result does non ever face with the involvements and demands of school or pupil communities. School-based course of study development has concrete procedures, rules and patterns abreast with the current context for Singapore, and the chances and benefits it presents for school development procedure ( Marsh, 2000 ) . The 2nd article tackles tensenesss in an Ability-driven instruction. Ability-driven instruction can be achieved with greater diverseness and pick in the educational landscape ; and the greater liberty and invention at the school degree. Harmonizing to the article, instructors are being exalted to learn less, larn more so as to promote their pupils to larn more actively and independently. Ability-driven instruction has given accent by the MOE to implement the diverseness and pick in the educational landscape and promote schools to travel towards invention. Ability-driven instruction situates within the decentralized model in Singapore which strengthen democracy by conveying the decision-making procedure closer to schools, instructors and pupils. Under the model, the school direction is given more power in determination devising that the instructors and pupils. It besides promotes school based development, rationalisation, efficiency and invention by supplying a assortment of instructi on chances and picks to pupils. Tensions in Ability-Driven Education ( ADE ) includes four major constituents ; diverseness versus conformance which is the move towards greater diverseness of types of schools and educational plan balanced by uniformity and standardisation, the 2nd is autonomy versus control which policy enterprises are introduced but execution and answerability are left as local responsibilities, thirdly, the tenseness between invention and conservativism which school leaders have to take enterprises to be a function theoretical account of invention while bring forthing good academic consequences in an scrutiny driven environment and in conclusion, equity and elitism which straight hit the ADE for back uping rule of meritocracy where every endowment and abilities of kid is recognized. These inclinations are possibly for school leaders to exert their liberty by puting in countries that promise the greatest mensurable return like pulling gifted pupils to fall in the school activities ( Singapore Mini stry of Education, 2000 ) . The two articles summarized the update on educational enterprises in Singapore. The intent of these documents is to supply province and local pedagogues with complete information and apprehension of the steps used in modern-day challenges in acquisition and instructors issues-their restrictions, strengths and current usage in Torahs, policies and patterns. The documents clearly show a critical nexus between effectual learning method and pupils ‘ academic accomplishment. Many surveies point to outcomes that show that methods of acquisition and course of study development contribute more to their pupils ‘ academic growing and can consistently explicate the considerable fluctuation in instructors ‘ accomplishments for advancing pupil larning. Pinpointing the method and course of study leads to certain issues that have a greater impact on pupil public presentation is a affair of great urgency in the state that struggles with educating all the kids every bit. The primary in these documents focused on the issues and challenges in the development of curricular enterprises and modern-day acquisition against tensenesss, hinderances and national criterions. It besides provides persons with worthwhile information sing the standard makings of schools, instructors and pupils in run intoing their educational and preparation demands. The documents set some illustrations on a believable manner for the establishments, spouse organisations and the wider community by lending thoughts to valid, dependable, operable, just and just judgements through different surveies and researches administered through pen and paper scrutinies, unwritten inquiring, practical trials, computing machine assisted trials, or any other agencies ( Marsh, 2000 ) .( B ) Presents a critical analysis of the position ( s )In recent old ages, educational development has received a batch of attending from school leader, instructors, pupils, and parents in how schools remain accountab le for pupil accomplishment. The present push in acquisition is to develop independent and autonomous scholars. This is true non merely to basic topics but to other survey as good. Thus, whereas course of study development and ego directed learning emphasiss task-based methodological analysis that calls for the scholars to get acquisition by developing their ain resources and larning penchants, underscore constructivism that emphasizes the active and constructive function of instructors and scholars in the acquisition procedure ( Marsh, 2000 ) . To turn to this issues and challenges, the school leaders and instructors should seek to update the course of study and method of determination devising and acquisition processs. The documents discussed all about course of study development and educational issues and challenges in larning but they besides need to find the factors and elements necessary to formalize the importance and effectivity of these processs in larning procedure. Its chief involvement is to happen out the effectual manner of effectual determination devising and learning procedure. This undertaking is referred to as pieces of schoolroom work which involved the school leaders, instructors and pupils in comprehending, manipulating, bring forthing or interacting in the mark objectives where attending is chiefly focused on intending instead than on signifier ( Rudduck, 1987 ) . The paper besides presented the turning involvement in better understanding what constitutes effectual course of study in learning pattern, coupled with its power to leverage educational betterment that presents a challenge and chance for policymakers to turn to how to expeditiously and faithfully step instructor public presentation. The function of course of study development and autonomous acquisition must come up as a good utilised resource that might keep promise as a tool to advance school leaders ‘ ability, teacher professional growing and pupils ‘ effectivity in the acquisition ( Sheingold, 2000 ) . In this paper, School-based course of study development ( SBCD ) has an intended aim in current reform in instruction in Singapore brought different issues and challenges to educational patterns at assorted school degrees. While confronting the freshly reform demand on Curriculum Guidelines and execution of the school-based course of study development thought, the development must be an pressing demand for schools. It is necessary to measure the policy and issue options sing development of school-based course of study. It besides examines the system ‘ in educational and professional preparedness and assurance in developing independent school course of study. Based on the analysis of informations collected, these documents presents initial findings and premises and jobs embedded in the recent development in school-based course of study in Singapore. Additionally, the 2nd paper has the chief aim of understanding the challenges and issues sing Ability-driven instruction ( ADE ) th at provides more chances and tracts for pupils in Singapore to promote and leverage pupils in remaining in school for work force readying. But this paper lacks on the some chief points such as methods on how ADE are efficaciously implemented on the land. It simply discussed and addressed different tensenesss and outlooks played by different functions played by the school leaders, instructors and pupils. In this circumstance, societal organisations and community are needed critically to work with these invention, enterprises and pupils to put realistic educational marks with an aim of raising outlooks. It should besides supply a clearer sight of the available tracts that can leverage them on accomplishing higher educational excellence ( Monteith, 2004 ) . This might besides steer school leaders and community in their determination – devising. These subjects suggests inventions and issues including challenges that will be utile for school leaders, instructors, policy shapers, and other stakeholders in instruction who wish to derive a deeper apprehension of the rules and procedures of acquisition, and set these into pattern. Such a clime promotes diverseness and invention, and furthering uniformity and conservativism as school prefer to introduce from what has worked in the yesteryear ( Elmore, 2004 ) . It is deserving analyzing subject. It would be fruitful for the school leaders and instructors every bit good as for pupils. This article is important as the consequences of this survey are applicable to the promotion of the construct of educational reform in different manners of learning based on the policy and current tendencies and provides extra information for understanding the course of study development and appraisal.SuggestsA ways in which the key issues present new thought, chances and challenges to the Singapore school course of study. PleaseA appendA the articles to your critique paper.The deduction of these recommendations is that the readers would be able to measure and place ways in which the key issues present new thought, chances and challenges to the Singapore school course of study and to better the acquisition procedure in general. It will profit the instruction through effectual acquisition and evaluating procedures. Classroom-based rating and appraisal can be really effectual in mensurating how a scholar responds to the new thought, chances and educational ends. When making determinations about larning procedure, the school leaders and teacher must take into consideration on how these variables would impact the procedure scholars take in to learning. In research by Fallows & A ; Bhanot ( 2005 ) they reiterated a cardinal determination on the significance of educational patterns that most scholars can take to take either different attack to their thought and acquisition. A instructor can be one of the most indispensable influences on which attack they take. If these undertakings will be successful, they will ease pupils to travel beyond memorisation and acquisition. Similarly, if a undertaking of course of study emphasizes the apprehension of standard rules, so higher attacks to larn can be achieved The school-based course of study development presented in the article must obtained important information to pedagogues based on researches and surveies to help them in their instruction and learning duty. It is knowing for the instructors and school leaders that they should larn every bit much as possible about larning methods and patterns so as to find their public presentation and effectivity as pedagogues. It should supply valuable information to pupils particularly they would be able to obtain information about what is larning manners they utilized in the schoolroom and how each course of study larning procedure affects their satisfaction. Teachers should besides understand what are the pupil ‘s demands and which assessment process best satisfy the demands of pupils. The applications of these inventions and methods provide a really interesting position from which the acquisition procedure can be better understood. It presents a profound, new manner of looking at learning a nd larning – 1 that is at the head of progressive educational thought ( Rudduck, 1987 ) . Furthermore, one of the most dramatic alterations in the last decennaries in the universe of instructions has been the unbelievable progress in engineering. Increased public presentation and velocity have been matched by worsening costs, therefore enabling more and more schools to hold entree to these new engineerings ( Goodland, 1994 ) . With the addition in entree to these new engineerings, pedagogues must hold had chances to research different ways of believing to learn and design direction through facilitation of new course of study development and larning methods ( Elmore, 2004 ) . Bettering and progressing the quality of instruction and acquisition is one of the tendencies and critical issues in educational scenes, particularly during the enlargement of instruction. Singapore ‘s course of study must hold a really powerful and effectual tool for spread outing chances in instruction, either non-formal or formal. It besides applicable to antecedently populations in rural cou ntries and scattered constituencies, geopolitical, cultural or cultural groups which are excluded traditionally from instruction because of societal or cultural grounds such as, adult females and misss, cultural minorities, disabled individual, and the older population groups ( Monteith, 2004 ) .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Inca essays

Inca essays By what methods did the civilizations of pre-Columbian America control their peoples? Give evidence to support your arguments from the Maya and Inca civilizations between 500 BCE to 1500 CE. The civilizations of pre Columbia became highly sophisticated. The Incas and Mayan societies controlled their civilizations politically, culturally, and economically. The Incan civilization was ruled by the Inca. The Incas ruled by proxy (Incas.htm) Below the Inca himself, tribes were formed in each tribe their were tribal heads. In the tribes there were clans and in the clans their were clan heads, below that were the peasants and commoners who were split in groups of ten in this group there was a superior. The social unit then was primarily based on cooperation and community. (Inca.htm) You can use the word Inca in three ways, one the empower is given that title, second all who spoke Quechua and third everyone under the Incan empire.(Brown) The Incan empire was ruled by the royal dynasty those only with Incan blood. The emperor was called the sapa Inca. Sapa typically married his sister; his council was made up of nobles that helped rule his empire. The nobles were called Orejones they were the member of the ruling class often of royal blood. (Andrea 407) Usually the high priest and generals were also his relatives. The rulers of each province after he conquered more cities were usually allowed to still govern the cities as long as they kept their storehouses full, did not rebel and paid their taxes. This was an excellent way to keep the empire closely together. Every time the Incas conquered new cities the people go into the army or lived as they did as long as they were faithful the Incan Empire. The Mayans were warriors their civilization was always were at war. When they conquered others many became slaves. Spilling blood was very important to them. The k...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Budget Plan for the Heart Failure Clinic Assignment

Budget Plan for the Heart Failure Clinic - Assignment Example CDC states that heart failure is responsible for 55,000 deaths annually. Furthermore, CHF costs the nation a lot of money with analysts estimating the annual expenditure to $34 billion (Amakali, 2015). The authorial intent of this paper is therefore to establish, through use of evidence-based management practices, the best strategies for developing a budget plan geared towards establishing an effective Heart Failure Clinic. It is imperative for hospital administrators to work behind closed doors in order to ensure that hospitals' financial security and welfare is up to required standards. This implies that hospital administrators must identify those factors that if not well facilitated within the hospital budget plan may plunge the whole fraternity into financial crisis (Langenbrunner, Cashin, & O'Dougherty, 2009). Consequently, this business plan identifies the major categories and subcategories of the budget necessary for the set up of HFC. They include; Labor Costs, supplies and c apital expenses, insurance billing, research and teaching, liability costs et cetera. Some of the categories are discussed below.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Task2 multimedia lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Task2 multimedia lesson - Essay Example This game will require team work and will not only measure how fast your group can fit the correct pieces together but also how well you can locate the planets position in the solar system. (Teacher will observe the time and evoke students to hasten in their activity. Stop the game when one group has completed the puzzle. Ask all the students to take a look at the completed puzzle, then to the remaining puzzles.) Teacher: Congratulations to the winning group and good job to everyone. I would like everybody to go back to their seats. This time each of you will be reading silently. I will be giving you a book to read for 15 minutes. After reading I will ask some questions about the planets and anyone can answer then after we will be having another activity which you will do individually. (The teacher will distribute the â€Å"Styrofoam Solar System Kit† to each student. Students will build their own solar system based on what they have learned from the day’s lesson. Teacher will play background music â€Å"Solarbeat† while students are doing their work.) Teacher: Thank you and very good students. Now I will distribute this â€Å"Styrofoam Solar System Kit† for your last activity. Based on what you have seen on the video, what you read, and our previous activities, I want each of you to make your own model of the Solar System using this kit. The kit has styrofoam balls, rings, and rods to complete your Solar System. Each one of you will have to work on your Solar System until the end of class. If you are not able to finish building your Solar System, you can take it home, finish the installation and paint it accordingly. Bring it back and submit to me in our next meeting. While you are building your Solar System you will be listening to a music entitled â€Å"Solarbeat† by Luke Twyman. 1. Picture: (1) Poster: The poster will give a flat visual presentation of the solar system for the students to see the